Mission Statement
Oregon Walks promotes walking and advocates for safe, convenient, and attractive walking conditions as an essential part of thriving, sustainable, and connected communities.

Ways To Get Involved


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Look no further! Explore our calendar of events that includes not only walks but other walking-related events happening in the Portland area. 


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NeighborWalks: Sellwood and Westmoreland Park

By Izzy | September 25, 2020 | 0

Join us for our final AARP NeighborWalks at Sunday Parkways walk! September is the final month for Sunday Parkways, it’s also STEPtember, so what better way to celebrate this month of walking joy than by highlighting an AARP NeighborWalk, and not just any NeighborWalk but the kick off walk from the 2019 season. Stroll through […]

2020 OregonWalkstar Award Winner: Oregon Justice Resource Center

By Izzy | September 14, 2020 | 0

2020 OregonWalkstar Award Winner: Oregon Justice Resource Center It is Oregon Walks’ honor to award Oregon Justice Resource Center (OJRC) as a 2020 Oregon WalkStar Awardee. OJRC has been at the forefront for the fight for justice in the state of Oregon. Most recently, state violence was directed at peaceful protesters marching in the street […]

2020 OregonWalkstar Award Winner: Youth Environmental Justice Alliance 

By Izzy | September 11, 2020 | 0

2020 OregonWalkstar Award Winner: Youth Environmental Justice Alliance    Oregon Walks is excited to announce Youth Environmental Justice Alliance (YEJA) as recipients of a 2020 Oregon Walkstar. Their dedication and effort in elevating and empowering BIPOC youth voices on environmental issues have contributed to a healthier, more walkable future. Their work and continued effort on […]

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