Walk With Us!
Are you in search of a walk or a walking-related event? Look no further! Our calendar features a variety of upcoming events in the Portland area that you can join. While Oregon Walks hosts some of these walks, many are organized by other groups. For complete information, please reach out to the walk host.
Would you like to add your walk to the calendar? Email Sara (sara@oregonwalks.org) and she will gather the details and add your walk!
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
WALKS EVERY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY AT 10:30 AM IN PORTLAND METRO AREA. email Nancy at npitney@gmail.com to be added to the email updates for locations each week.
BIPOC Dementia Friendly Walk – Peninsula Park
Peninsula Park (Rose Garden) Meet at Park Entrance on the corner of N Kerby Ave and NE Ainsworth St, Portland, OR, United StatesA welcoming space for individuals with dementia, caregivers & community members to connect, move, and enjoy the outdoors.
April Walks:
April 9th – Peninsula Park
All walks start at 10 AM
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
WALKS EVERY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY AT 10:30 AM IN PORTLAND METRO AREA. email Nancy at npitney@gmail.com to be added to the email updates for locations each week.
BIPOC Dementia Friendly Walk – Thomas Cully Park
Thomas Cully Park 5810 NE 72nd Ave, Portland, ORA welcoming space for individuals with dementia, caregivers & community members to connect, move, and enjoy the outdoors.
2nd April Walk:
April 16th – Thomas Cully Park
All walks start at 10 AM Sign up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMwWWUCF2K25Xx_Nz0EstYJ6y2yISUFc_oFw927Sf7UwGaPg/viewform?usp=dialog
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
WALKS EVERY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY AT 10:30 AM IN PORTLAND METRO AREA. email Nancy at npitney@gmail.com to be added to the email updates for locations each week.
BIPOC Dementia Friendly Walks – Luuwit View Park
Luuwit View Park NE 127th and Fremont, Portland, United StatesA welcoming space for individuals with dementia, caregivers & community members to connect, move, and enjoy the outdoors.
3rd April Walk:
April 23rd – Luuwit View Park
All walks start at 10 AM Join us, spread the word, and let’s walk together! Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMwWWUCF2K25Xx_Nz0EstYJ6y2yISUFc_oFw927Sf7UwGaPg/viewform?usp=dialog
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
WALKS EVERY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY AT 10:30 AM IN PORTLAND METRO AREA. email Nancy at npitney@gmail.com to be added to the email updates for locations each week.
ALS Northwest Walks
Fitchner-Mainwaring Park 334 Holmes Avenue, Medford, United StatesApril 27 – Bend, Oregon – River Bend Park
BIPOC Dementia Friendly Walks –
Rockwood Central Park 17707 SE Main St, Portland, OR, United StatesA welcoming space for individuals with dementia, caregivers & community members to connect, move, and enjoy the outdoors.
4th April Walk:
April 30th – Rockwood Central Park
All walks start at 10 AM Join us, spread the word, and let’s walk together! Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMwWWUCF2K25Xx_Nz0EstYJ6y2yISUFc_oFw927Sf7UwGaPg/viewform?usp=dialog
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
WALKS EVERY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY AT 10:30 AM IN PORTLAND METRO AREA. email Nancy at npitney@gmail.com to be added to the email updates for locations each week.
ALS Northwest Walks
Fitchner-Mainwaring Park 334 Holmes Avenue, Medford, United StatesMay 3 – Salem, Oregon, River Front Park
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
WALKS EVERY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY AT 10:30 AM IN PORTLAND METRO AREA. email Nancy at npitney@gmail.com to be added to the email updates for locations each week.