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Week of Events
82nd Avenue Community Conversations – Cully, Sumner, Roseway, South Madison
82nd Avenue Community Conversations – Cully, Sumner, Roseway, South Madison
The 82nd Avenue Coalition and Metro are hosting a series of neighborhood-specific conversations along 82nd Avenue. Come join us! We know 82nd Avenue is changing. We aim to convene interested neighbors to discuss their current views about 82nd Avenue and their hopes for the future. It is also an opportunity to meet others who share a […]
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
Dementia Friendly Walking Group
WALKS EVERY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY AT 10:30 AM IN PORTLAND METRO AREA. email Nancy at npitney@gmail.com to be added to the email updates for locations each week.
Historical Walking Tour
Historical Walking Tour
This historic walking tour highlights the East side of Brooklyn (Milwaukie to 17th). Led by Hans Albing